Monday, 4 December 2017

Six reasons why women are becoming very violent in relationships

It is no secret that we are witnessing a great upsurge in the violence against men in relationships all over the globe.
 Women are now killing, maiming and even  beating their boyfriends and husbands to  stupor.What is responsible for this  frightening situation?Davidchuksblog takes  a careful look at six reasons why men are  now at the receiving end of domestic  violence.

1, Rise of Social Media..Social media is very critical for meaningful engagements about our social life. But it has its evils too. You can meet wonderful people and terrible ones too. You get good and bad advice. And most of the time, the people who dish out these advice's have no real life experiences to support what they espouse. These ideas are picked up on social media.

2, Public Sympathy is now with women..Gone are the days people will even try to understand your view point if you are caught in any kind of domestic situation with a woman as a man. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say the moment she begins to shed tears. You will be very lucky if you are not lynched by other men..Women lib groups have done their work too well! You hear quotes like " real men dont raise their hands on women"
Of course smart women now use this to their advantage. They can now safely attack a man and expect no retaliation.

3, Women are now more educated and therefore smarter. 
In fact, in most climes nowadays women are more educated than men. Experts predict that they will control advances in sciences and other fields in the next fifty years. Women now form strong organisations to fight for only pro women issues. Men do not have such organisations. These organisations gives a lot of confidence to women to challenge the status quo and sometimes this includes domestic violence.

4, Men are becoming docile and weak.Most men this days are just living for the women. They think that tolerating any and every bad behavior from their spouses makes them better husbands or boyfriends. The reality is quite different. Women actually respect strong men. They despise weak men. And nature abhors a vacuum, so when the men are unable to provide leadership, the strong women takes over. And most women see nothing wrong is knocking up a weak man once in a while!

5, Even the law favors women. Facts are there. Women who committed domestic violence crimes always get by far lighter sentences than their male counterparts. The Ibadan Lawyer who brutally murdered her boyfriend got seven years! Imagine if it was a man. You bet he would have gotten a life sentence .

6, Rise of feminism and lesbianism. The truth is most feminist are either lesbians or lesbian sympathisers. And they have scant regard for men. Some of them see men as their enemies that they must defeat and bring to heel. They teach that women can do anything they want including beating up their men but no man dares lay hands on any woman even in self defence. They are always quick to defend women who wounded or killed their husbands. The standard defence is that either she is mentally sick or the man caused it by his infidelity.

Finally, our belief is that their is no justification to lay hands on anybody, man or woman or child.


  1. Women have suffered maltreatment from men for many centuries. This is our time to retaliate.

  2. That's true. Women are fighting back because we are tired of men abusing us. That's the simple and short 100% honest answer.


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na waoh